Cooperativa CASIL – Cafetalera CASIL, San Ignacio, Cajamarca – Café


The Cooperativa Agraria Cafetalera “CASIL” Ltda. is an institution with tradition. More than 50 years at the service of our brother coffee growers helping to improve their product with the implementation of technological tools, taking into account the care and welfare of our fields.

Our objective is to provide the excellence of a good coffee, with a pleasant aroma and a pleasant taste, accompanying our partners in the planting, post-harvest and commercialization process. We are with the producers at all times, because for us, our members are the most important thing. In addition to giving added value to the coffee, we contribute to improving the social, technical and economic aspects of our members, their families and the community.

The Cooperative is currently made up of 195 producers, who maintain the same impetus and desire to produce coffee with the highest quality standards for the world. For this, we have governmental, social and sustainable certifications. Since 1966 we have been working for the welfare of coffee growers.

We invite our coffee partners to continue trusting in the Cooperativa Agraria Cafetalera “CASIL” Ltda., to be able to connect their products with the world, at fair prices and without running the risk of losing their harvest. “CASIL is located in San Ignacio Cajamarca, there you can visit us and learn about the praiseworthy work of our products, with a view to promoting sustainable tourism¨.

“Our north, to produce the best coffee beans.” .

Sincerely yours;
José D. Altamirano Torres.